‘Musings of the Heart’ - Inspiration ❤️
•Posted on September 15 2023

Welcome to my monthly journal, ‘Musings of the Heart’ ❤️
I'm so excited to be able to share with you some of my thoughts and inspirations for this month. It's the end of August and I can't believe that Summer has flown by so quickly! How was your Summer? I hope it was a good one.
I always think that Summer is such an inspirational time of year. So, I thought with each monthly journal I would choose a word that I could use to delve deeper into my psyche, and share some of my thoughts and feelings.
August’s word of the month: INSPIRATION
I don't know if you feel the same, but I feel like summer is an inspirational time of the year. It always reminds me of fresh linens, silks, and the beautiful flowers, especially roses and peonies which are my favourite. I always feel like I have more energy too!
What's happening musically?
It’s so exciting to be able to share this news with you.
Let's talk about my cover album! The final pieces of the puzzle are coming together now, and I’m planning to release the album in Spring of 2024. I have a plan of action in place and all of my exclusive subscribers will be the first to find out all about it.
I have felt so inspired that I've started writing again! I'm currently in the process of writing my follow-up album to ‘Lost in Love’. There’s lots of editing to be done and I need to start making demos, so there’s a lot more to do, but now the ball is rolling!
I am so thankful to have you here with me on my musical journey!
Personal Update
Since the release of ‘Lost in Love’ we've had a pandemic, I've lost my dad, and I also lost the love of my life, my darling Pippa the Poodle.
That was only six weeks ago, and she was such a huge part of my life. I'd had her for 16½ years, and she was 18½ when we had to have her put to sleep, but she went very peacefully and wasn't in any pain by the end.
I won't go into too much detail as I’m still feeling the deep effects from it all at the moment, but one thing I do want to talk about is that, unlike when I lost my dad, this time around I felt like she had prepared me for it. Pippa had been ill for a while, and during that time she strengthen me for what was to come, both mentally and emotionally.
I want to make her transition as easy as possible so she can go on to her next stage. I still feel like I have her with me every day. I see butterflies all the time, and whenever I see these butterflies, I think of her. I feel inspired to be able to envision a new life where she is alongside me, but in a different way, as my guardian Angel.
It’s interesting, isn't it? Life. How it can inspire us even from the depths of sadness. It’s amazing how we can find ways to inspire ourselves, and I want to prioritise that message of hope.
If you have lost someone or are feeling down, we can always imagine new ways of being, and I think that’s what I have found. Delving into the memories I made with Pippa and remembering how she made me feel, really treasuring those times. It took me a long time to remember the good times with my dad, and I had learnt from that.
So, if there's one thing that I can share with you, I am finding inspiration in the smaller things. From seeing a butterfly to walking in my back garden, I am inspired by it all.
So, if there's one thing that I can share with you, I am gently finding inspiration in the smallest things; from seeing a butterfly to walking in my back garden, I feel inspired and as a fellow kindred spirit, I hope to ignite your spark and fan the flames of inspiration for you.
In love and light,
This blog is based on the ‘Musings of the Heart’ monthly video journal, exclusive to Natasha Hardy’s subscribers. To subscribe CLICK HERE!
Natasha Hardy Musings of the Heart / classical crossover singer-songwriter / finding inspiration in music / Natasha Hardy cover album / Lost in Love follow-up album / indie artist songwriting journey / music and personal growth / grief and inspiration / Natasha Hardy Pippa tribute / creative renewal and hope